What to do in April

What to do in April

  • Apply a spring lawn feed. Use a combined product containing moss killer, weedkiller and fertilizer. Use a spreader to apply feed. Or apply a liquid feed.
  • Before you apply the Spring lawn feed cut the lawn, set the blades slightly higher for first cut, remove loose grass from lawn.
  • Formative pruning of plum and cherry trees can start once leaf buds open.
  • End of the month plant out dahlia tubers.
  • Plan to plant gladioli corms in the garden for summer flowering. Place the corm on 1 inch of grit to provide extra drainage. Label to indicate where planted.
  • Plant new asparagus beds.
  • Begin to earth up early potatoes when they have made 3 inches of growth.
  • Spray roses with a biological fungicide if blackspot is a problem. Repeat every few weeks. Feed also with granular fertiliser.
  • Continue to sow beetroot, carrots, summer cauliflower, radish, spring onions, peas and perpetual spinach. If the weather turns hot, water with a fine rose this will prevent the seeds from growing too quickly (bolting) and not developing naturally.
  • And finally, do not purchase summer bedding plants until middle/end of May unless you have a greenhouse to protect from late frost.